Giấy lọc Cellulose, MN 640 we, REF 201012

Tình trạng: Đặt hàng


Mã hàng: Type: MN 640 we, REF 201012

Giấy lọc Cellulose, định lượng, không tro, chảy rất nhanh
Type: MN 640 we
REF 201012

Hãng sản xuất: Macherey Nagel (MN) - Đức

Filter paper circles, MN 640 we, Quantitative, Very fast (5 s), Smooth
MN 640 we is the fastest quantitative filter paper with highest flow rate. It is used for example in analytical procedures of samples with coarse or gelatinous particles.

Giấy lọc định lượng, không tro, chảy rất nhanh
Type: MN 640 we
REF 201012

Hãng sản xuất: Macherey Nagel (MN) - Đức

Filter paper circles, MN 640 we, Quantitative, Very fast (5 s), Smooth
MN 640 we is the fastest quantitative filter paper with highest flow rate. It is used for example in analytical procedures of samples with coarse or gelatinous particles.

Format Filter paper circles
Grade MN 640 we
Surface Smooth
Basis weight 85 g/m²
Thickness 0.22 mm
Filtration speed description              Very fast
Filtration speed 5 s
Quality Quantitative
Material Cellulose
Ash content < 0.01 %
Color White
Retention capacity 12–25 µm
Wetstrength Light
Diameter 55 mm, 70 mm, 90 mm, 110 mm, 125 mm, 150 mm, 185 mm, 240 mm, 270 mm, 320 mm
Scope of delivery 100 filters per pack
Hazardous material No
Zalo 0918.511.731